A BATForce Podcast

BATChats, the BATForce podcast where we dive into issues that impact Families raising Children.

BATChats will explore our role as family and a community in supporting Young People as their worlds begin to get bigger and they begin to explore their real-life and online worlds. Join us as we share insights, practical advice and thought-provoking conversations aimed at helping families navigate the growing up years together.

In Series 1 we share insights into the evolving digital landscape, how young people interact with technology and the impact it can have on family dynamics. The podcast takes the time to reflect on conversations we have had with parents, carers, schools and young people through our Digital Tattoo workshops.

Series 2 coming soon!  As a Young Person with disability how best do you make that step from school to your next adventure?  In series 2 you will hear from industry experts on what supports are available for you and your family.

Learn more about BATChats

Make sure you Subscribe so you don't miss an episode, available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

WorkCare Factor – a wellbeing digital resource for workplaces and young workers

WorkCareFactor helps you understand the importance of mental wellbeing in the workplace, start conversations and find practical solutions.   

We know that mentally healthy workplaces keep staff engaged, working safely and feeling happy at work. All that adds up to increased productivity and reduced costs. About half of us will experience a mental health issue at some time in our lives, so improving the emotional and mental wellbeing of your workplace just makes (business) sense. 

The Give Where You Live Foundation was funded by WorkSafe’s WorkWell program to lead a WorkWell Learning Network to devise tools and resources to help create mentally healthy and safe workplaces, especially for young employees.  

In partnership with Management Governance Australia and Barwon Adolescent Taskforce, they collaborated with 20 local small/medium businesses and service organisations, across industry sectors from across the G21 Region, as well as young workers, to co-design solutions and find practical resources to assist you to implement change. 

The WorkCareFactor digital resource is an outcome of this co-design process.  It is a tool to understand mental health in the workplace, start conversations, and find practical resources. Hear from real managers and workers from small/medium businesses in our region. Explore their stories, then follow up with easy-to-use hints and tips, plain language policies and templates, ready to apply in your workplace. 

Why? Because caring is good for business. 

Where Can You Get Emergency Food Relief

Where Can You Get Emergency Food Relief in Geelong:  Feed Geelong 

An initiative of the Give Where You Live Foundation; Feed Geelong commenced in 2012 with the mission of addressing the Geelong region’s food insecurity crisis. By providing support to the Geelong emergency food relief system with cash and in-kind support, it ensures those most in need don’t go hungry. 

Feed Geelong aims to raise awareness of the food insecurity crisis on our doorstep whilst raising valuable funds to assist our region’s emergency food relief system which is working on a daily basis helping the men, women, and children in our community who are struggling to put three nutritious meals on the table each day. 

There are many organisations that provide food assistance in the local Geelong region. Feed Geelong has prepared a When You Can Eat document that contains the most current information regarding who, how, when, and where food assistance is currently available across the Geelong region. 

No one deserves to go hungry

An estimated 717,883 meals are provided by the food assistance system in Geelong every year

Get Suited For the Job has a new face!

Get Suited For The Job has a new face


Encompass ReadyStart has amalgamated with Get Suited for the Job. 

The Get Suited for the Job initiative assists job seekers in the Geelong Community to prepare for job interviews, work experience and training. 

Each job seeker is provided professional clothing and a one-on-one styling session. The aim of the initiative is to grow the self-confidence in those experiencing hardship on their road to employment.

The Get Suited team can also support individuals within the community who require attire in unprecedented circumstances such as funerals or court appearances.

Items available include:
· Tops              · Skirts                        · Pants
· Shoes            · Accessories              · Jackets


This great service is now homed at Encompass ReadyStart, located at 138A Wilsons Road, Whittington.

Get Suited at ReadyStart is available and complimentary via referral from community organisations and various job ready organisations – check with yours now!

Alternatively, if a referral is unavailable this service is offered at $50 per person and invoiced directly to the organisation or individual accessing the service.

The Get Suited at ReadyStart team also offers facilitated group styling sessions for participants in association with Job Active and Employment Networks, programs and initiatives.

Want to find out more?

Encompass ReadyStart

138A Wilsons Road, Whittington VIC 3219
P:  5248 4784
E:  readystart@encompass-cs.org.au
Mon – Fri: 9.30am – 4pm
