Ready To Launch
Information and Support for School Leavers
Are You Ready to Launch?
Ready to Launch is an up-to-date, relevant and inclusive resource for school leavers and all those supporting them to help you step into the workforce or your next big adventure.
Ready to Launch will help you unwrap the confusion around education, training and employment options to make the change as smooth and easy as possible.
Get started now – explore the Resource & Support Board links below.

Ready to Launch Support Boards
Pathways from the School Gate
A collection of resources for school leavers around employment, education, training and pathways.
Inclusive Pathways
A collection of resources designed for school leavers living with a disability.
CALD Youth Support
Information for culturally and linguistically diverse youth programs and supports from CALD communities looking to leave school.
Support Board Resources
Introducing the BATForce Support Boards
Unsure of what your pathway from school looks like and not sure where to get some answers?
Need some tips on adulting but don’t know where to start?
Let Indy guide you through the BATForce Support Boards and see how you, your friends and families can best use them.
'You Can Ask That' Video Series
Answering the tough questions…
Sometimes asking questions about what you’re going to do when you leave school and the pathway to your next step is tough – sometimes you just don’t know what to ask.
We spoke to students from Northern Bay College and asked them to share important questions about the first steps into their future.
The multicultural group was able to help with both questions and answers in Arabic, Dari, Karen, Nuer, and Swahili.
It can be difficult to know what is okay to ask at work

We know that mentally healthy workplaces keep you engaged, working safely and feeling happy at work.
WorkCareFactor will help you understand mental health in the workplace, start conversations and find practical resources.
Hear from real managers and workers, explore their stories, follow up with easy-to-use hints and tips on everyday workplace scenarios.

Ready to Launch FAQ
Most frequent questions and answers
The Ready to Launch Pathways Project makes use of Trello Boards, a collaborative tool that allows contributors to compile information, information resources and other assets specifically designed to help you transition between school and the workforce.
The Trello Boards are best viewed on a mobile phone or through the Trello App, which can be downloaded via the Apple App Store or through Google Play.
To view the boards most effectively, we recommend you do the following:
- Click the link to one of the Trello Boards.
- Sign up to a free Trello account.
- Click the ‘star’ to save the Trello Board as one of your favourites.
- Click the ‘card’ within the Trello board that you wish to know more about.
If you need any additional help about the Trello Boards or information relating to the presentations, you can always ask the the BATForce team.