The Past Two Weeks Have Been Tough For Many…
A sunny Easter long weekend hid the fact that many now face an uncertain future due to the end to the Federal Governments JobKeeper payment.
The treasury has estimated that between 100,000 and 150,000 people will lose their jobs because of the end of the subsidy. JobSeeker will of course continue, but with payments of $620.80 a fortnight for singles, and $565.40 for couples, many will face a period of struggle.
It seems redundant and repetitive to say it in April of 2021, but these are tough times.
The Holiday Help Campaign
Over the 2020/2021 Christmas and New Year Period BATForce and the Give Where You Live Foundation launched the Holiday Help Campaign.
This campaign was an effort to connect those needing help with food, housing, mental health, family violence, financial stress, and tenancy support across the Greater Geelong and Barwon Regions.
The campaign was a huge success, with many organisations and individuals in the region sharing campaign materials across the community.
The Quick Help Guide and How it Can Help You
In order to provide this level of support during another difficult period of time, BATForce is proud to renew the Holiday Help Campaign as the Quick Help Guide.
The Guide mainly features triage organisations – meaning they direct you to the most relevant resource for you.
There is also a downloadable pdf poster for business owners to print, if they wish to help spread the word in the Geelong community.
If you or anyone you know needs help during this difficult time, direct them to the Quick Help Guide.